
Depersonalization Recovery Program Mp3 Download

Original price was: $199.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Experience instant relief from depersonalization and anxiety symptoms. Learn to operate from strength and power. Learn the natural, safe and effective method of total depersonalization and anxiety elimination. Through healing techniques, diet/nutrition and lifestyle changes, you will succeed in creating a life that is comfortably free from all phases of depersonalization and anxiety.



One: You’re Not Alone: Dr. Freedman’s description and personal experience with depersonalization/ derealization, explaining why the simple, basic and permanent recovery plan described in this program will eliminate this sometimes stubborn anxiety symptom.

Two: Understanding: Complete explanation concerning depersonalization, how it evolved and why recovery is a simple, basic process.

Three: Coping with Depersonalization: Unique method for permanent elimination of symptoms of depersonalization. Six simple phases of recovery with easy to follow techniques.

Four: Eliminating the Source: Locating the source of depersonalization, eliminating it, and moving forward into permanent recovery.

Five: Foods and Depersonalization: Maintaining specific diet/nutrition skills to ensure full recovery from depersonalization and prevent future episodes.

Six: Serotonin Boosting Naturally: Studies reveal a strong connection between Serotonin levels and depersonalization/derealization. Learn how to naturally boost Serotonin levels for an efficient and complete recovery from depersonalization. Enhance feelings of well-being, decrease the sensation of depersonalization and become less reactive.

Seven: Depersonalization Companion Audio: Dr. Freedman accompanies you through your daily routine, explaining the most expedient way to successfully overcome depersonalization, symptoms and avoid pitfalls.

Eight: Staying on Track: Identifying interfering stressors before they build into depersonalization. Suggestions and simple techniques to avoid slipping into depersonalization/derealization.

Nine: Simple Prevention: Simplify your life by learning how to avoid lifestyle stresses which often lead to the development of depersonalization. Common sense protection against depersonalization and prevention of future episodes.

Ten: Refresh the Mind: Paving the way for instant relief from depersonalization symptoms. Learn to turn off an over-active mind, clear the clutter and find peace from both depersonalization and derealization. Refresh a depersonalized mind.