Q: Why do I experience anxiety symptoms when others do not?

A: Many people are naturally more reactive to stimuli than others. These individuals are analytical, perfectionistic, overachievers and creative. These are all admirable attributes but may also make them more vulnerable to anxiety symptoms.

Q: Can you tell me why I can feel perfectly well and in the next moment I am plagued with a panic attack?

A: There is always a trigger, even though you may be unaware of it. A sight, sound or even a scent is often enough to trigger an episode of panic. Hormonal changes, stimulating foods, lack of sleep or a medication may be other triggers, resulting in panic. This is why it is important to learn the correct method of self nurturing which will lower the “set point” ” that allows anxiety to break through.

Q: Why do I feel worse when taking medications such as antidepressants?

A: Simply, because you are not ill. In fact, those with this particular personality are quite reactive to most forms of outside stimuli, including medications. Where a friend or family member might not be reactive to medications, you will often experience a reaction. Sometimes the side efffects override the benefits of the medication. This holds true for many other forms of outside stimuli, such as changes in temperature, sights, sounds, and even visuals.

Q: I have lost my appetite and weight and I have trouble sleeping. Is this normal with anxiety and will I ever feel like myself again?

A: When an individual becomes caught up in the habit of fearful thinking, especially about their health, they often experience loss of appetite and inability to sleep. Even though this temporarily takes its toll on the mind and body, one’s appetite and ability to sleep does return as these worries are reconciled and fears lift.

Q: I have recently experienced a strange visual problem along with the DP. I feel as if I cannot focus properly or as if one eye is more focused than the other. Also, I feel a tightness around my head. What does this mean?

A: This is another common complaint that accompanies this condition. There is a logical explanation for this and every other anxiety symptom. There are muscles that surround the eyes and head. Under stress they often contract and create tension. Stress often causes muscles to tighten in the head, leaving one feeling as if a tight band of pressure is pressing around the skull. With the proper approach, this too will quickly reconcile.

Q: Why do I feel sick? I mean I really feel as if something is wrong and it is not going away. How long will it take to get well and what do I have to do?

A: Even though you feel ill, you are not. Your mind often grows weary from the constant habit of worry. The mind becomes tired from fearful worry and this affects many facets of your life. It may make you feel weak, dizzy, spacey, tired, foggy, tense, achy, irritable, inability to concentrate, tired, anxious and a host of other symptoms.
Through the combination of behavior therapy (changing the way one thinks) along with our specific nutrition/food plan, which boosts serotonin levels naturally and balances blood sugar levels, one is able to correct the unproductive behavior that triggers and fuels the intrusive symptoms of anxiety.

If you have a question you would like answered
email us at info@depersonalizationtreatmentcenter.com or
call 215-635-4700, 10:00 AM -10:00 PM, (EST) Mon-Sun.